심벌 마크

Guizhou River hydrology

River hydrology

Guizhou river in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and Pearl River staggered two areas, there are 69 county Yangtze River shelterbelt protected areas is an important ecological barrier of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River region. Terrain along the province’s river diversion from the western, central north, east and south side. Miao is the watershed of the Yangtze River and Pearl River basin two, north of the Yangtze River basin, the basin area 115,747 square kilometers, accounting for 66.1% of the province’s land area, the main rivers are the Wujiang River, Red River, Clearwater River, Hongzhou River, Wuyang , JJ, Songtao River, Songkan River, Kraal River, cross river and so on. Miao south of the Pearl River basin, the basin area 60,420 square kilometers, accounting for 35.0% of the province’s land area, the main rivers are Nanpanjiang Beipanjiang, Red River, Liujiang, dog River.
Due to the specific location and complex topography, climate and ecological conditions so complex and diverse Guizhou, three-dimensional characteristics of agriculture obvious regional agricultural production, regional stronger, suitable for comprehensive development of agriculture as a whole, suitable for the development of special agriculture

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